Thursday, February 12, 2009

Finally A Google Adsense in Action

Just this evening when I got to check my email I was surprise by this mail from the Google. that they have delivered my Google adsense activation pin, I'm so really excited to be activated and I can't wait to see it, because by the time that I will activate my account I will surely now earn some extra income by blogging..and I can tell to my friends and show a Proof that Google adsense really work.

because every time I tell them they just say it's just a scam that's why I'm really pursuing this to show them that they are wrong.(lol)

to register for a Google adsense just log in to this site Google Adsense

Sunday, February 8, 2009

STI College Held it's annual NYC (National Youth Convetion) at the MOA (Mall of ASIA)

Video courtesy of BillKosmeTV

Last Friday at the MOA different students of STI Campuses attended the 14th NYC (National Youth Convention) Every year STI is helding it convention at Aliwan Theater but this year they prefer to change the venue to the SMX convention center at the Mall of Asia.

Lots of Students Attended to this annual Event. and this year's topic is very Interesting its about BLOGGING and we all know that blogging today is really in the mind of every student and people but some of them don't know what's the benefit of blogging, for others it's an alternative way of earning a revenue but for the other's it's just a hobby. but I was really happy that it was topic in this year youth convention but Sad to say that I didn't catch the speaker talking when I got on the Seminar hall. He just Actually Finish discussing. but the two speakers was also great and humorous especially in the part of the topic of the Comfort Room. but the experience was very great hope to attend on the next years NYC.

But hopefully the will be back at the Aliwan Theater at the Star City just an opinion.:)

Pics SOon...

Did you Know?? Can this happen!

Watch this Video, It has a lot of information about the future of the Web, Predictions that can Happen or not.
When I watch This video I was really amaze of the information of it and also I think that some of the things that they say on that Video can happen in the future, due the fast growing of the trend of technology the learning and information keeps growing and becoming so supernatural in terms of time. as you watch this video maybe you'll think of were are you know in this fast growing world? .

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Google Search Engines Error!?!

Last Saturday When I was looking for a Template for my Blogsite I was annoyed, All of the words that I search Has been detected by google as a harmful Website Even Though the and Eventually I tried to resolve the problem I thought it's my antivirus that's block all the websites , but when I type the link directly on the Address bar It just worked fine...hmmm...(confused).

image captured by Connie.

but a couple of minutes it just run smooth again..the I found out from the other bloggers that It's was google who had some Human Errors! here is the googles Explanation.

" the URL of '/' was mistakenly checked in as a value to the file and '/' expands to all URLs. Fortunately, our on-call site reliability team found the problem quickly and reverted the file. Since we push these updates in a staggered and rolling fashion, the errors began appearing between 6:27 a.m. and 6:40 a.m. and began disappearing between 7:10 and 7:25 a.m., so the duration of the problem for any particular user was approximately 40 minutes."
here is the full explanation of google .